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What happened to the Globe Theatre in 1613, and how did it happen?

Globe Theatre Burn

Globe Theatre Fire

  • Interesting Facts and information most Earth Theatre Fire
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  • Interesting Facts and information about Globe Theatre Fire
  • Facts and History virtually Globe Theatre Fire

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World Theatre Burn

Interesting information about the Earth Theatre Fire during the life and times of William Shakespeare of Elizabethan London, England

Globe Theatre Fire
The Earth Theatre was built in 1599. Staging theatre productions had go more elaborate since the days when the first 'Theatre' had been built. Competition between the rival theatres was tearing. Each theatre wanted to attract as many people as possible to each performance. Costumes improved and then did the props! In that location were no health and safety regulations - and no safe inspections. There were no such things as fire extinguishers - at that place was not fifty-fifty a fire brigade in London, or fire-fighters. The only ways to fight a Globe theatre fire was to use wooden or leather fire buckets, make full them with h2o, and try to douse the bonfire.

Globe Theatre Fire - Why the Globe was a burn risk
The Earth theatre was built predominantly of timber and had a thatched roof. The interior was likewise fabricated of wooden structures. There were three tiers of roofed galleries with balconies and the seats in each of the iii levels of galleries were tiered with 3 rows of wooden benches which increased in size towards the back, following the shape of the structure of the building. An audition of 1500 people attended the Globe theatre plays. There were no planned controls for evacuation in the event of burn down. The Earth Theatre constituted an blow which was almost to happen - a real fire hazard. As we know the props improved - more spectacular effects were required. Someone had the thought of using a live cannon...

Date of the Earth Theatre Fire and the blow
The Globe Theatre had used a cannon for several years. A canon had been used for special furnishings for several years without any problems. The cannon was situated within the roof, in the attic above the "Heavens" in close proximity to the thatched roof. The cannon was used to create a dramatic special effect such as heralding great entrances especially in the plays which were well-nigh an event in history. The cannon was loaded with gunpowder and wadding. The World theatre fire accident occurred on 29 June 1613. The canon was fired during a performance of a play near King Henry VIII. Sparks from the cannon fire landed on the thatched roof starting a massive burn down.

Heart witness business relationship of Sir Henry Wotton on the Globe Theatre Burn
An center-witness account  account of the fire is given by Sir Henry Wotton, in a letter dated July 2, 1613.

"... I will entertain you at the present with what happened this week at the Banks side. The Male monarch's players had a new play called All is True, representing some principal pieces of the reign of Henry the Eighth, which set along with many boggling circumstances of pomp and majesty fifty-fifty to the matting of the stage; the knights of the gild with their Georges and Garter, the guards with their embroidered coats, and the like: sufficient in truth within awhile to make greatness very familiar, if not ridiculous. Now Rex Henry making a Masque at the Cardinal Wolsey's house, and certain cannons being shot off at his entry, some of the paper or other stuff, wherewith 1 of them was stopped, did light on the thatch, where being thought at showtime but idle smoak, and their optics more attentive to the bear witness, it kindled inwardly, and ran circular like a train, consuming within less than an hour the whole house to the very ground. This was the fatal flow of that virtuous fabrick, wherein yet nothing did perish just woods and straw, and a few forsaken cloaks; only i man had his breeches assault burn down, that would maybe have broyled him, if he had not by the benefit of a provident wit, put it out with a canteen of ale."

Eye witness account of Mr. John Chamberaine on the Globe Theatre Fire
The Globe theatre burn down would accept spread very quickly as the building and interior was made of wood. To get to the stairs the members of the audience would walk behind the wooden benches through each of the galleries. The original Globe Theatre was widely believed to have had one entrance, but this was an error. A letter of Mr. John Chamberlaine to Sir Ralph Winwood, dated July eight, 1613, states that the theatre had two doors.

"The burning of the Globe or playhouse on the Bankside on St. Peter's day cannot escape yous; which fell out past a peal of chambers, (that I know not upon what occasion were to exist used in the play,) the tampin or stopple of one of them lighting in the thatch that covered the business firm, burn'd information technology down to the footing in less than 2 hours, with a dwelling-business firm adjoyning; and it was a great marvaile and a off-white grace of God that the people had so little harm, having simply ii narrow doors to become out."

The meaning of the words tampin or stopple is a plug or comprehend for the cage of a cannon to keep out dust and wet.

Facts about the Earth Theatre Burn
The above heart witness accounts provide more information and facts about the cause and furnishings of the Earth Theatre fire.

  • The Globe Theatre Burn occurred during a operation of a new play called All is True ( maybe this play was re-named Henry Viii and credited to William Shakespeare in the Outset Folio )
  • There were several cannons used
  • That cannons were existence shot off at the point in the play which describes the entry of King Henry attending a Masque at Cardinal Wolsey's house
  • Tampin or stopple (a plug or cover for the muzzle of a cannon to go along out dust and moisture) set the thatched roof on fire
  • The Globe Theatre audience starting time ignored the fire, believing it was just smoke from the cannon
  • The fire first kindled inwardly, and ran round like a railroad train, consuming within less than an hour the whole house to the very ground - the other account states it was burnt in less than 2 hours
  • Only one man had his breeches set up on fire which he put out with a canteen of ale
  • The World Theatre had two narrow doors by which the audience got out - perhaps 1 was the main entrance door and the other was an leave door
  • No mention is made of whatsoever deaths or serious injuries "information technology was a great marvaile and a fair grace of God that the people had and then little harm"
  • Interesting facts, history and information about Globe Theatre Burn

Globe Theatre Fire casualties
The Globe theatre burn would accept spread very quickly equally the building and interior was fabricated of wood. To get to the stairs the members of the audience would walk behind the wooden benches through each of the galleries. There must have been considerable panic to leave of the building - at that place were no planned controls for evacuation. There are no records of a death cost or the exact number of casualties or types of injury, but the eye-witness accounts indicate this is considering at that place none!. In 1614 the Globe Theatre was rebuilt which is ofttimes referred to equally the Globe Theatre 2.

World Theatre Burn down
Interesting Facts and data about the Globe Theatre Burn down. Boosted details, facts and information nigh the Globe Theatre tin can be accessed via the Globe Theatre Sitemap.


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